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True Leaf Market Knowledge Center

Grandpa Handing Granddaughter a tomato in the garden

Best Tomato Plants to Grow - Tomato Guide

Originally Published July 12, 2022 Updated February 7, 2023 Tomatoes come in many shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors. But which one is right for you? To answer that question, you will want to round up the answers to the following...

Valentine’s Day Flowers - Love and Life

Valentine’s Day Flowers - Love and Life

What is Valentine's Day - The Legend of St. Valentine Valentine's Day is upon us. A day that many adore and dread. What exactly is Valentine's Day about? Why has it persuaded so many people to adorn their surroundings with...

hanging basket full of flowers

14 Hanging Basket Flowers for Full and Cascading Blooms

Hanging flower baskets are one of the most popular ways to display blooms all season long. They can quickly add a flash of color around your home and patio or attract pollinators to the garden. Not only are hanging baskets...

Holding a sunflower microgreen

What Do Microgreens Taste Like?

Many microgreens are edible at the microgreens stage of growth. This is the period of time after a vegetable has sprouted and developed its cotyledon and true leaves. Because microgreens are developed from the energy and nutrients stored in the...

Popcorn spilling out of theater cup

How To Grow Your Own Popcorn

Popcorn is a beloved treat at our house. Have you ever tried growing, harvesting, and preserving your own? True Leaf Market has several popcorn varieties you could try. Lately we have been obsessed with the Rainbow Jewel Popcorn. It not...

Cat eating wheatgrass grown in self-watering tray

The Benefits of Wheatgrass for Pets!

Published July 18, 2017 Updated January 24, 2023 I have often caught my cat, Curie, coming in after a long day of cat stuff with blades of lawn grass stuck in her teeth and whiskers. Or, I have come into...

bags of frozen vegetables

Guarantee Your Food Security

After closing out 2022, many people are wondering what will happen with the state of food prices throughout 2023. Unfortunately, there are still many questions and factors that will continue to play out this year. The stark rise in food...

An array of fruits and vegetables

All-America-Selections (AAS) Awards

As you look at seed for the coming year you may notice some varieties are marked as being AAS award winners. But what does this mean? Who is the AAS and why should you value their selections? AAS stands for...

Square Foot Garden

Square Foot Gardening

Designing A Garden For Beginners If you are just starting out, gardening can be kind of intimidating. What kind of tools to use? What to plant? How do you plant? There can be a lot of questions if you haven’t...

flowers and vegetables sitting on a table outside

What Are The Best Flowers To Plant In Your Vegetable Garden?

Increase Fruit and Vegetable Production Did you know that planting flowers in your vegetable garden will help increase fruit and vegetable production? It’s true. Some flowers and vegetables have a symbiotic relationship. This means that they protect or encourage each...

plant and books on desk

Libraries - From Books to Seeds

You might have heard about seed banks, exchanges, or conventions. But have you heard of seed libraries? Seed libraries are stations set up for people to collect seeds for the coming growing seasons. Rather than hosting a one-time event for...

Mosquito on a person

Plants Naturally Repel Mosquitoes

The bugs may be dormant for another couple of months, but they will soon return to activity in your yards and gardens. Now is the time to plan for a summer garden you can enjoy spending time in. Don’t let...

sugar cookies with a natural flower topping

Edible Flowers

Sure, we are used to eating the plants we grow. But not everyone is used to eating the flowers. Many plants produce both edible vegetation and blossoms that are enjoyed in soups, salads, baked goods, and more. Just be sure...

hanging flower baskets in a garden nursery

Best Trays and Containers - Flower and Garden Seed Starting

Figuring out the right growing requirements for every seed is tricky enough; picking the right container doesn’t have to make things harder. Find the perfect container for growing your favorite flowers and vegetables. We are going to dissect which containers...

Indoor Seed Starts being transplanted

When Should You Start Your Seeds Indoors?

It's that time of year again! Time to start your seeds and prep your gardens. Does that mean you should be starting all of your seeds, though? Not really. Different seeds will require different amounts of time to reach...

Sungold Tomatoes

Make Tomatoes the Hero at Your Next Dinner Party

If you’re anything like me, getting your kids to eat fresh food - okay, let’s be honest, anything that doesn’t involve cheese, tortillas, or french fries - can be a real chore. Do you envision the day where your kids...

Fall blooming chrysanthemums

30 Fall Blooming Flowers

Fall is simply beautiful. With the changing colors and cooling temperatures come more challenging conditions for growing flowers as winter approaches. Keep color in your gardens with these flowers. Some varieties may also be planted in the mid to late...

mother and daughter walking through digitalis flower patch

Spring Blooming Flowers

Spring is neck and neck with fall as my favorite season of the year. I love the combination of beautiful blooms, cool weather, and the sound of spring rain showers against the windows. Bring your garden back to life with...

Woman Flower Farmer holding a basket of fresh cut dahlias

50+ Summer Blooming Flowers

Summer is the season of perpetual blooms and harvests. We hope you will find plenty of flowers on this list for your gardens. Whether you are looking for a seasonal pop of color or something to transition your garden from...

girl with red salvia flowers

Spring to Fall Flowers for Continuous Blooms

Are you tired of the cold and dreary weather yet? Or does the quiet blanketing snow energize you like Lorelai Gilmore? While I love to get all cozy and warm in my favorite sweats, I also miss the growing season's...

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