After closing out 2022, many people are wondering what will happen with the state of food prices throughout 2023. Unfortunately, there are still many questions and factors that will continue to play out this year. The stark rise in food costs saw a peak rate of inflation of 11.4 in August 2022, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. While the rate of inflation is slowing, it is expected to remain high for quite some time.
According to the World Bank, “Prices are expected to stay at “historically high levels” through the end of 2024.” --CNN
Why is the price of food not going down?
“Food prices are affected by a number of factors, including extreme weather, diseases impacting crops and livestock, supply chain complications and geopolitical unrest including the war in Ukraine. That makes it more difficult for the US government to use tactics like raising interest rates to moderate food prices.” -- CNN
“California, the top agriculture state, was also hit by severe drought, while Hurricane Ian ravaged Florida and Nicole this year - these disasters combined resulted in a $5 billion loss in crops.” -- Daily Mail
“One of the worst droughts the country has seen in decades is also helping fuel food inflation. As of Tuesday, 53.2% of the lower 48 states is in a drought, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor.” -- Fox News on Yahoo!
While there isn’t much the individual can do to change increasing prices and rates of inflation, you can make choices now to secure food for yourself and your family this year and for years to come. Growing your own fruits and vegetables doesn’t have to take up a lot of space. It can be as simple as growing microgreens weekly, window herbs or container gardening.
Until the Covid Pandemic hit in 2020, home food preservation was becoming a dying art. Now that food security has become something to question with the influence of drought, supply chain problems, and the complications of political unrest, I am glad my grandmother taught and involved me in the process of preserving our garden harvest throughout my childhood.
As she was born during the Great Depression and experienced continued periods of recession throughout her life, having the security a home garden could provide meant a lot to her. Now, it’s starting to mean more to me too. It’s starting to become more valuable to many people around the world.
Preserving your harvest can guarantee your food supply regardless of fluctuating grocery store prices, commercial crop failures, supply chain issues, and more. Methods such as canning, bottling, and fermenting can ensure a supply in times without power. With room in a freezer, you can store even more food that can be used throughout the year.
In order to utilize tried and true methods like these, start by producing your own home garden. Growing your own food supply does not have to be complicated. If you aren’t sure what to grow, start with a home garden assortment such as the Emergency Heirloom Bug Out Bag (34 seed types), its Compact Bug Out Bag counterpart (19 seed types), or an Organic Heirloom Variety Pack (16 seed types). For a long-term emergency seed supply, consider keeping one of these No. 10 Cans of Heirloom Seeds packed away (16 varieties). For Help with growing instructions, check out our vegetable and herb growing guides.
Food insecurity is genuine. I’m a certified horticulturist and former Master Gardener. Although I’ve home-gardened for many years, seeing empty grocery shelves during the pandemic opened my eyes to just how fragile food security and the supply chain is. Along with that came inflation, so now folks are looking for ways to make their dollar stretch. There will be more people out there who will start growing their food in whatever way they can.