🏵️ Wildflower Growing Instructions 🏵️
Growing Non-GMO Deer Resistant Mix Wildflower Flower Seeds
Before planting, prepare the area by removing any previous plants, weeds, or grass. To enable better root development, it can be helpful to rake or lightly till the upper 3 inches of soil before planting. Broadcast the deer-resistant wildflower mix at a rate of 1 oz per 1,000 square feet. Keep in mind this mix contains plants that will spread with time and need full sun for the best bloom display. To ensure good seed-to-soil contact, lightly tamp the seeds into the soil and water. Spring planting is best, although this mix may be planted into the early summer with regular watering as the seedlings become established.
To allow the annuals in the mix to reseed, allow the flowers to fully mature for seed development and dropping before removal in the fall. Waiting until mid to late fall to cut back perennials and remove spent plant matter will allow for a stronger return in the spring.
Deer Resistant Wildflower Mix in the Flower Garden
This mix is formulated to deter deer from turning your flower garden into a snack or complete meal. With an assortment of plants known to deter deer because of their taste, texture, and scent, you can enjoy a beautiful display of blooms from spring through fall. It is best to grow this mix in a full-sun area dedicated to perennials, as several of the flowers included will not fully bloom until the second year.
Landscaping With the Deer Resistant Wildflowers Mix
This mix should be broadcast widely. The height of some flowers in this mix can be deceiving, but the low-growing and wide-spreading flowers will cover more ground than you would think. Give this mix ample space to grow. To deter deer, it’s best to use this mix as a planting border to protect the fruits and flowers that may be growing nearby that are not deer tolerant. If you also grow a vegetable garden, try using this mix as a border to deter those pesky deer from getting into your edible vegetable garden. Without a physical barrier, the deer will likely still access your tasty vegetables, but this mix may slow them down or reduce the number of unwanted visitors you experience.
About Deer Resistant Mix Wildflower Seeds
This mix includes: Cornflower - Bachelors Buttons (Centaurea cyanus), Myosotis (Forget Me Not) (Myosotis sylvatica), Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus), Corn Poppy (Papaver rhoeas), Cosmos (Cosmos sulphureus), Marigold (Tagetes erecta), Lupine (Lupines polyphyllus), Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta), Oregano (Origanum vulgare hirtum), Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), Columbine (Aquilegia x hybrida), and Gaillardia (Gaillardia aristata).
Deer have highly sensitive noses, so they tend to avoid anything with an abundant fragrance. This is why we have carefully selected these florals and even added a fragrant herb to help steer them away. Bitter plants are something they may take a nibble on but ultimately leave behind, which is why we’ve added Nasturtiums to this mix. Texture is also an important component of this mixture. The fuzzy stems of poppies, rudibekia’s tough center, and woody stems of yarrow will also aid in keeping your florals undisturbed.
While mostly a hefty mix of perennials, there are a couple of annuals to help establish plants both in the same year as planting and for ongoing growth.
Tips From Our Gardeners
"While this mix contains an array of blooming florals, it also contains one herb. Both the Oregano and Nasturtium will mound and vine outwards, taking on larger amounts of space when broadcasting. To achieve the most blooms, be sure to sow widely. This mix can cover a vast amount of space in a short period of time, while other flowers will take longer to establish. Leaving ample space is ideal to get the most out of this mix."
- Hailey Bernal, True Leaf Market Writer
Deer Resistant Mix Wildflower Seeds Per Package:
- 4 g - Wholesale - Approximately 740 Seeds - Covers ~8 square feet
- 4 oz - Bulk Seeds - Approximately 21,000 Seeds - Covers ~4000 square feet
- 1 lb - Bulk Seeds - Approximately 84,000 Seeds - Covers ~16000 square feet
- 5 lb - Bulk Seeds - Approximately 420,000 Seeds - Covers ~64000 square feet
Non-GMO Deer Resistant Mix Wildflower seeds are available for Fast Free Shipping on qualifying orders.