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Watermelon Yellow Baby Doll Hybrid Seed
Bulk Cumin Seeds
Watermelon Yellow Baby Doll Hybrid Seed
Bulk Cumin Seeds
Mountain Valley Hybrid Seeds

Watermelon Seeds - Mini - Baby Doll Hybrid

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70-75 Days to maturity. Citrullus lanatus. Baby Doll F1 hybrid Watermelon Seeds. Non-GMO, annual, hybrid, heat tolerant, seeded, mini watermelon. These warm season watermelons win the race as their oval-shaped canary-yellow fruit will ripen as early as 40 days from their sowing date! As an icebox watermelon variety, these hybrid melons grow 5-10 lbs and produce vines that are less vigorous spreaders than other types. As all watermelons need full sun and adequate room to grow, Yellow Baby Doll Hybrid plants are ideal for gardeners with smaller-to-average sized space. The nectar-sweet fruit of hybrid melons will brighten up your early and mid-summer season, as their non-GMO seeds produce an abundant crop. Pollination is also the secret to growing successful watermelons. Plant marigolds next to your Yellow Baby Doll Hybrids to not only draw in beneficial insects, but to grow a bright-colored garden that wins over any eye! ~450 seeds/oz.

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