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Sunflower Midget Rouge
Flower package from True Leaf Market
Sunflower Midget Rouge
Flower package from True Leaf Market
Mountain Valley Seed Company

Sunflower Seeds - Midnight Rouge

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55-65 Days to maturity. Helianthus annuus ’Midnight Rouge’. Midnight Rouge Sunflower Seeds. Non-GMO, annual, open pollinated, heirloom, ornamental. Midnight Rouge seeds produce some of the most deeply colored and stunning multi-branched sunflowers on the market. Whether you’re looking for a beautiful back border, a sturdy cut flower, or a stunning focal point, Midnight Rouge is a fantastic choice! This vigorous grower is easy to tend and has many uses in the garden and the home. With large flowers reaching 6 inches across, you are sure to be wowed this season by Midnight Rouge. ~986 seeds/oz.

Annual Badge
Non-GMO Badge

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