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Carrot Seeds - Shin Kuroda 5"
Carrot Seeds - Shin Kuroda 5"
Kitazawa Seed Company

Carrot Seeds - Shin Kuroda 5"

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Non-GMO, heirloom Shin Kuroda 5" Carrot Seeds from True Leaf Market are a variant of the Chantenay-type Shin Kuroda carrot developed in Japan. The roots grow to about 5" long and have wide shoulders and a bright orange color. Packed with nutrients and offering a sweet flavor, Shin Kuroda carrots are delicious when eaten raw or cooked. These heirloom carrot seeds come from Mountain Valley Seed Co., which is a small, family-owned seed company known for supplying premium-quality seeds to both home growers and fresh market producers. 75 days to maturity.

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