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Instructions - Pet Grass Growing Kits

Instructions - Pet Grass Kit

General Instructions for growing grass for your pets

  1. Fill a tray with about one or one and one-half inches of the compost mixture provided. Optional: To extend the growing soil you can add good topsoil to the mixture. (1/2-1/2 Mixture)
  2. Rinse one half package of seed 2 or 3 times before you soak. Place one/half package of pre-measured (1 cup) wheatgrass, or barleygrass seed into a jar and fill the jar with water so that water completely immerses the seed. Soak the seed overnight. (8 to 12 hours in the winter---6 to 8 hours in the summer)
  3. Drain off the water, and rinse the seed well. Plant the seed anytime during the day. Plant the seed by gently spreading it evenly over the top of the soil, not buried in the soil. Water the tray of seed thoroughly; try not to disturb the seed. A sprinkling can work very well.
  4. Get some newspaper or Bounty paper towels. Take newspaper/paper towels and completely cover the tray (3 layers) so that as little light as possible reaches the seed. Soak the newspaper completely with the watering can. This will help the seeds to sprout. An empty tray can be placed over the seed instead of the newspaper. The value of the wet newspaper is that it keeps the root hairs of the seeds wet in areas where the air is really dry. If the empty tray is placed on top of the seed, the seeds should be sprayed with water a couple of times per day while under the tray.)
  5. For the next three days, keep newspaper/paper towels wet! Important! If newspaper dries out, the root hairs on the sprouts will dry out and the grass will not come up well. A piece of plastic can be laid over the newspaper to keep it from drying out so fast. On the second or third day take the newspaper off and water the grass and then place the newspaper back on for one more day. (In 1936 the United States Government mandated that all newsprint ink be made with vegetable oil. It is completely non toxic.) If you have a compost pile, it is good to add this newspaper to the pile. It adds carbon and sweetens your compost.
  6. When the grass is one to two inches tall, remove the newspaper and expose to indirect light. If it is extremely hot outside, put the tray in the shade. If you grow it inside the house, drain over your sink, and then put grass near a window.
  7. Water your wheatgrass, barley grass, buckwheat, or sunflower once per day until it drips from the bottom. (If you live in an extremely dry climate, it would be a good idea to water once per day even while the seed is under the newspaper.)
  8. Keep your wheat in a cool place. Often in hotter climates wheatgrass and barley grass will show signs of mold near the roots. If you have problems with mold, cut what you are going to juice, put it in a big strainer or colander and power rinse the grass very well before you juice.
  9. Sometimes this will help eliminate the mold: Get some Real Salt from your health food store. Use 1 tsp. per 1/2 gal water. Use this solution to water the first time when you uncover the seeds. At times people have used 3% hydrogen peroxide. Put in spray bottle and spray roots as you uncover.
  10. When wheatgrass is 5 -6 inches tall, place the tray on the ground or in a low area where your pets can have access to eat it at their leisure. They will enjoy just eating the grass from the tray. When eaten down replace with newly grown tray of wheatgrass.

Mini Pet Grass Growing Instructions

(For 5"x 5" Trays)
  1. Empty the wheatgrass seed from the 1 oz. packet into a cup and rinse 2 or 3 times. Then fill the cup with water so that water completely immerses the seed. Soak the seed overnight. (8 to 12 hours in the winter---6 to 8 hours in the summer).
  2. Drain off the water, and rinse the seed well. Plant the seed by gently spreading it evenly over the top of the soil, not buried in the soil. Water the tray of seed thoroughly; try not to disturb the seed. A sprinkling can works very well.
  3. Take 1 section of paper towel, and fold twice (quarter fold). Press the folded paper towel gently down to cover the tray so that as little light as possible reaches the seed. Soak the towel completely. This will help the seeds to sprout. The wet towel it keeps the root hairs of the seeds wet.
  4. For the next three days, keep paper towel wet! Important! If newspaper dries out, the root hairs on the sprouts will dry out and the grass will not come up well. A piece of plastic wrap can be laid over the paper towel to keep it from drying out so fast. On the third day take the paper towel off and water the grass directly.
  5. When the grass is one to two inches tall expose it to indirect light. If it is extremely hot outside, put the tray in the shade. If you grow it inside, drain over your sink, and then put grass near a window.
  6. Water once per day until it drips from the bottom. Keep in a cool place.
  7. When wheatgrass is 5-6 inches tall, place the tray on the ground or in a low area where your pets can have access to eat it at their leisure. They will enjoy just eating the grass from the tray. When eaten down replace with newly grown tray of wheatgrass.
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