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What is Compost?

About the Author

Ashleigh Smith
I'm Ashleigh Smith, a native to Northern Utah. I first gained a love of gardening with my grandmother as I helped her each summer.

I decided to make a career of it and have recently graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Horticulture from Brigham Young University - Idaho. My studies have focused on plant production while I also have experience in Nursery & Garden Center Operations.

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1 comment

  • Rob Jarvis Jan 25, 2022

    Good Day,
    We live in Zimbabwe and during the past year we have been making compost largely out of lush green growing Tithonia plants. You pull them out of the ground with soil still attached to the root mass. Shake this soil off onto previously laid Tithonia and other green material plants. Every so often put a layer of manure or previously produced mature compost as an activator. When the compost heap is about 1 metre high, cover with a previously produced compost layer and let Nature take its course. Last summer these heaps were decomposing within a month to 6 weeks into beautiful, fresh smelling, usable compost. I was amazed. And of course in most areas Tithonia is an alien invasive plant so you are converting a problem into a garden nutrition solution.

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