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It's not too late to pick your seeds for your spring garden but soon the days will be long enough and warm enough to start prepping that garden for transplanting. It is imperative to get your tender seedlings off to a good start—and to start them as early as possible. So, when picking your seeds, be aware of which are cold hardy and which are tender. The tender seeds will need to be sown indoors right away to offer it a chance to grow into a tenacious seedling by the time warm days role around. Save time and energy by visiting us and browsing through our seed selection (all garden vegetable on this page are available in paper packets). You'll find everything you need--and perhaps discover new garden vegetables to grow!
Although combing through our inventory is a lot of fun, it is time consuming. Luckily, we've created seed-packet assortments for moments like these when folks know what they want but don't have time to pick and choose each seed. Say, you know you want and herb garden but don't have a lot of space—in fact, you're growing from containers. The Organic Herb Collection 8 Pack is ideal! Or consider the same thing with tomatoes. You have a limited plot in your backyard but you want to try cherry tomatoes that year. Then check out the Heirloom Organic Cherry Tomato Collection.
Check out our other seed assortments for a quick start on your garden:
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