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Cover Crops - A Climate Solution

About the Author

Ashleigh Smith
I'm Ashleigh Smith, a native to Northern Utah. I first gained a love of gardening with my grandmother as I helped her each summer.

I decided to make a career of it and have recently graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Horticulture from Brigham Young University - Idaho. My studies have focused on plant production while I also have experience in Nursery & Garden Center Operations.

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  • David Fuertes Oct 3, 2024

    Thank you for valuable info.
    I have 501c3 working with youth in Agri . Seeking for funding to pursue cover cropping in Hawaii?

  • Patricia Ames Oct 2, 2024

    How do I keep gophers and birds from eating my cover crops?

  • andrew jacobson Oct 2, 2024

    Planting a cover crop is very beneficial for the soil, weed management etc. But from everything I have learned, climate change is a natural cycle that happens from factors beyond mans control. For instance the earth’s magnetic field is in a process of weakening allowing more solar and cosmic radiation to penetrate through the atmosphere. The sun is more intense than it was when I was a young man thirty or forty years ago. Don’t get sucked into the hype that man is causing global warming and climate change. The climate has always been in a process of changing and always will be, and man currently does not possess the power to mitigate that.

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