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Microgreens & Wheatgrass: Control the Moisture, Control the Mold

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  • Bakul Doshi Feb 7

    I am growing wheatgrass baby plant at home for my health. This wheatgrass juice is in excellent health benefit. But mold is big problem for me. You suggest Hydrogen Peroxide is any harmful to health ? while i abstract juice from this wheat Grass ?

  • Durinda Dunn Apr 29, 2021

    WE need more information here to help us combat mold. How much food grade peroxide and how often.

  • Nitasha Sundus Mar 7, 2020

    Hello,I have used so many varieties of microgreens and all were grown well on soil less media.I am trying with pea shoots now.Sometimes i can see germination faster but at some moments a complete layer of mould is formed on whole seeds.I am trying with H2O2 and water solution.But it is also not working well.How can i fix up with this issue?

  • Leigh S Suzuki Jul 27, 2019

    How much grape seed extract do I use to spray on my kamut to prevent mold?

  • Trish Oct 14, 2018

    Can you water all the time with the GSE, or is it a one time thing?

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