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66 results for "rye"
Legend: H for Heirloom, O for Organic, A for AAS Winner, F for staff favorites
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Winter Rye - Cover Crop Seeds
Starting at $2.49
Rye - Winter (Organic) - Sprouting Seeds
Starting at $2.99
Winter Rye - Organic - Cover Crop Seeds
Starting at $2.99
Rye - Winter (Organic) - Grass Seeds
Starting at $8.33
Winter Rye (Organic) - Bulk Grains & Foods
Starting at $8.33
Radish Seeds - Daikon Minowase
Starting at $3.99
Triticale (Organic) - Sprouting Seeds
Starting at $1.99
Caraway Seeds
Starting at $2.49
Triticale - Organic - Cover Crop Seeds
Starting at $6.57
Hulless Barley - Organic - Sprouting Seeds
Starting at $2.49
Garden Cover Crop Seed Mix - All-Purpose, Pre-Inoculated
Starting at $9.58
Triticale (Organic) - Bulk Grain & Foods
Starting at $6.57
The True Leaf Market Sprouting Guide
Triticale Seeds - Bunker
Starting at $2.49
Organic Self-Watering Cat Grass Kit
Crimson Clover - Cover Crop Seeds
Starting at $2.49
Grass Mix - Irrigated Pasture Seed
Starting at $5.53
White Dutch Clover - Cover Crop Seeds
Starting at $2.49
Crimson Clover - Organic - Cover Crop Seeds
Starting at $2.99
Grass Seeds - Quicklawn
Starting at $18.99
Cat Grass Seeds - Seed Blend (Organic)
Starting at $7.71
Deluxe Cat Grass Kit - With Wooden Planter
$7.88 $24.63
Organic Sterilized Grain Bag with Injection Port
Starting at $22.00
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wheat tops

Winter Rye - An Outstanding Cover Crop

Written By Lara Wadsworth Winter Rye is one of the most commonly planted cover crops in many of the northern states. It holds this title for good reason. The numerous benefits of planting Winter Rye undoubtedly outweigh any potential difficulties....

Garden Cover Crops

Garden Cover Crops

Garden Cover Crops So, your garden has been a success this season, showering you with snap peas and string beans and squash—oh my! Now, as the kids return to school and the weather cools, it is time to put your...

We've Got You Covered: A Guide to Cover Crops

We've Got You Covered: A Guide to Cover Crops

We've Got You Covered: A Guide to Cover Crops Cover crops offer a wide range of benefits to your garden or farm including preventing winter erosion when under-planting for weed control amid growing crops and revitalizing your soil with leftover...

cow standing in the mountains

Forage Crops For Cattle

Written By Lara Wadsworth Forage crops for cattle are some of the best ways to ensure that your cattle, whether beef or dairy, get the necessary nutrients. It is a cost-effective process that is easy to maintain and offers ample...


Triticale: The Wonder Grain

Written By Lara Wadsworth Triticale, what I have dubbed as ‘The Wonder Grain’, is a grain developed in the late 1800s in Scotland by crossing wheat and rye. This unique and valuable grain has many uses, including as a cover...

Cows Grazing

Forage Crops: Benefits for Livestock, Farmers, and Sustainability

Written By Chelsea Hafer Forage crops play a vital role in ensuring the health and well-being of livestock. These crops not only provide essential nutrition but also improve soil health and sustainability. Before delving into the specifics of planting and...

Gut Health—Why You Should be Sprouting Your Grains!

Gut Health—Why You Should be Sprouting Your Grains!

This fantastic HuffPost article points the pros of ingesting sprouted grains on a regular basis. We found it extremely informative and helpful in illustrating why we think people should be sprouting their own grains at home--a practice we’ve promoted for...

pea cover crop

Cover Crops For Increasing Soil Nutrients

Cover crops have many benefits. They can improve soil quality characteristics like drainage, tilth, reduced compaction, etc. But one of the most unique functions is their ability to improve soil nutrients organically. When a cover crop with nutritional benefits is...

Unripe Triticale

Triticale: A Versatile Cover Crop for Gardeners

Written By Lara Wadsworth Triticale is a hybridized grain that some refer to as “The Wonder Grain.” A cross of wheat and rye, it harbors the benefits of both without the disadvantages of either. There are many benefits to triticale...

pea blossom cover crop

Winter-Killed vs. Overwintering Fall Cover Crops

How to Plant Cover Crops Cover crops are a fantastic tool to keep your garden in tip-top shape. But how should a cover crop be planted? The most common way of actually spreading the seed is by broadcasting. Broadcasting means...

A semi truck driving through the mountains during the winter

The Wheatgrass Trucker Story

After being an over-the-road truck driver for 6 years, my health was suffering. I could not get good enough rest or sleep. I was so tired and in pain. I could barely walk at times. The doctors wanted to put...

Soil Preparation: Cover Crops, Worm Castings, and More!

Soil Preparation: Cover Crops, Worm Castings, and More!

Celebrate the late winter warmth by getting a head start on preparing your soil as we inch our way towards the first day of spring this Saturday. Daylight savings is now behind us and our days are becoming longer and...

Sprouts and Microgreens: Enzyme Powerhouse and Teaching Aid

Sprouts and Microgreens: Enzyme Powerhouse and Teaching Aid

Growing initiatives in schools and community centers around the country are teaching kids and members of the community how to grow their own sprouts and microgreens and the health benefits of including them in their diets. We see the importance...

Hands transplanting seedlings into the ground

Your Roadmap to Garden Planting Times

Written By Lara Wadsworth You may have picked up gardening as a spring and summer hobby, thinking it is exclusively limited to those seasons. Well, pull up your pants because you are in for a ride! Once you begin, you...

Free Range Chickens Grazing Cover Crops

Cover Crops Provide Natural Feed For Free Range Chickens

Why Are Chickens Good For Gardens? Chickens have been a natural source of organic fertilizer since their existence began. Chickens provide nitrogen-rich manure to naturally enrich your garden soil. In addition to providing fertilizer, free range chickens also lightly till...

wheat growing in small rows

Fall Cover Crop Planning

Cover Crops are a valuable tool for a home gardener to have. They protect soil from erosion, replenish nutrients between growing seasons, and improve soil health. If you want to learn the basics about cover crops and how they can...

A Long Winter: Cover Crops

A Long Winter: Cover Crops

Winter is coming! And we know what that means—it is time to rejuvenate your soil with cover crops. It is a bit late in the season to plant and expect immediate results, unless you’re planting cold hardy grain, like Winter...

Cover Crop Highlight: Buckwheat

Cover Crop Highlight: Buckwheat

Buckwheat is an amazing cover crop that is often overlooked. While there are many great cover crop options, buckwheat has several advantageous and valuable characteristics worth keeping around. Its strongest advantage is its quick growth. Exactly how long you should...

couple tending to their garden

Crop Rotation - Control Pests and Balance Nutrients

What is Crop Rotation Crop rotation is the practice of planting a different family of crops in a given location from year to year. Vegetables can be grouped into families that share similar characteristics. For example, onions, garlic, chives, and...

What Are Cover Crops?

What Are Cover Crops?

Download Your Free Cover Crop Growing Guide Cover crops are seeds that are planted en masse for several reasons that benefit the soil and/or the local environment. Most often cover crops are grown by farmers in rotation with their cash...

Year-Round Companion Planting for Organic, Pesticide-Free Gardening

Year-Round Companion Planting for Organic, Pesticide-Free Gardening

Just as we understand in the animal kingdom how different, unrelated species will mutually benefit one another, whether intentionally or not, so too does the plant kingdom experience the same caliber of harmony and symbiosis (mutual benefit). Herbs, fruits, grains,...

Wheatgrass for liquid sunshine | Wheat Grass & Chlorophyll

Wheatgrass for liquid sunshine | Wheat Grass & Chlorophyll

Wheatgrass for liquid sunshine? In excerpts from her small book Wheatgrass Juice - Gift of Nature,Betsy Russell Manning extolls the health properties of the green juiceGreensward Press ISBN No. 0-930165-19-5 Note: The information on this website is presented for educational...

Cat eating wheatgrass grown in self-watering tray

The Benefits of Wheatgrass for Pets!

Published July 18, 2017 Updated January 24, 2023 I have often caught my cat, Curie, coming in after a long day of cat stuff with blades of lawn grass stuck in her teeth and whiskers. Or, I have come into...

gardener and chickens

Forage Crops For Chickens

Written By Lara Wadsworth Chickens love to forage. Not only is allowing your chickens to feed on pasture good for getting them the nutrition they need, but it also leads to happier and healthier chickens all around. The exercise and...

green field of oats

Cover Crops - A Climate Solution

Written By Chelsea Hafer In the quest for sustainable agriculture and mitigating climate change, farmers and land managers are increasingly turning to cover crops as a powerful solution. Cover crops, also known as green manure, are non-cash crops grown primarily...

Pea cover crop field

What Are Cover Crops And Green Manures Used For?

Cover crops and green manures are plants grown because of their soil restoration properties to combat detrimental soil erosion, suppress weeds, and restore depleted soils. These plants can help deposit important nutrients into the soil to be used by other...

Wheat field and blue sky background

Norman Borlaug: A Research Pioneer

Written By Lara Wadsworth How It Began Norman Borlaug was just a man who was born in 1914 in the American Midwest. He witnessed the aftermath of World War One and The American Dust Bowl, which led to widespread disease...

intercropping with corn

Choosing No-Till Cover Crops

When it comes to growing cover crops, no-till methods are commonly mentioned. But what are they? And what are the benefits? No-till is a method of farming that has risen in popularity as people are increasingly supporting organic growing practices....

3 Boys Playing Garden Board Games

Garden Trivia Quiz - Garden Games

Can you believe it’s officially winter? The weather has cooled off leaving lots of time for inside family fun. What do you like to do as a family, besides eat delicious treats this time of year? My family loves to...

40 Benefits of Wheat Grass Juice - Nutritional Facts

40 Benefits of Wheat Grass Juice - Nutritional Facts

What's So Great About Wheatgrass? 40 Points of Wheat Grass: Nutritional Values 1- Wheatgrass Juice is one of the best sources of living chlorophyll available. 2- Chlorophyll is the first product of light and, therefore, contains more light energy than...

farmers hands holding dirt

2024 Scholarship Winner - Taqdeer Gill - Unlocking the Benefits of Summer Cover Crops

Written By Taqdeer Gill Cover crops are plants grown to improve both the soil health and ecosystem sustainability. They are usually planted between the growing seasons of the main crops when the soil would otherwise be left bare. According to...

sheep grazing

Forage Crops For Sheep

Published August 08, 2023 Written By Lara Wadsworth It is widely known that sheep need high-quality forage options to reach their nutrition needs. Forage crops are often a sheep's main source of food and energy during the growing seasons. This...

soccer ball on grass

Grass From Turf to Pasture

As you may know, this year is supposed to be a dry one. If you are getting ready to plant your lawn in one of the regions expected to experience drought conditions, you may want to consider a seed or...

mowing bright green grass

Growing Grass From Seed: Simple Strategies for a Beautiful Lawn

Growing an entire lawn from seed can seem daunting, but Quicklawn grass seeds has made the process simple, easy, and exciting with reliable results. Experience success by following our simple guide to growing a lush grass turf lawn. Need to...

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