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Broccoli Seeds - Chinese Broccoli - Kailaan
Premium Bulk Seeds - Mylar Package
Broccoli Seeds - Chinese Broccoli - Kailaan
Premium Bulk Seeds - Mylar Package
Kitazawa Seed Company

Broccoli Seeds - Chinese Broccoli - Kailaan

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Broccoli Seeds - Chinese Broccoli - Kailaan. Heirloom, Non-GMO. Brassica oleracea var alboglabra. Also known as cai ro, chair lan, Chinese broccoli, Chinese kale, gailaan, gai lan, gailon, gelancai, guy lon, jie lan, kailaan, kai lan, kai lan tsoi, kairan, phakkhana, white flowering broccoli. 60-70 days. Cool season annual. It is a popular Chinese green vegetable and is grown for its stalks and leaves. This open pollinated variety has deep green color and good flavor. ~ 9,000 seeds per oz.

Annual Badge
Heirloom Badge
Non-GMO Badge
Vegetable Badge

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