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Iberis Candytuft Dwarf Fairy Mixture Seed
Non GMO Iberis Flower Seeds
dwarf fairy mixture iberis canytuft seed packet
Iberis Candytuft Dwarf Fairy Mixture Seed
Non GMO Iberis Flower Seeds
dwarf fairy mixture iberis canytuft seed packet
Mountain Valley Seed Company

Iberis (Candytuft) Seeds - Dwarf Fairy Mixture

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70-77 days. Dwarf Fairy Mix Candytuft seeds promise an authentic and hardy touch of the Mediterranean in your garden or patio. Dwarf Fairy Mixture iberis seeds grow herbaceous 8-10" tall dwarfed shrubs bursting with unique alpine cream calyx-like bulbs. Candytuft seeds are native to the temperate and cool summers of Spain and Portugal and thrive in a variety of similarly moderate gardens across North America. Dwarf Fairy Mixture iberis is easy to grow from seed and is an ideal fit among beddings, rock gardens, and any open woodland space.

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