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Cosmos Cosmic Mix Flower Seeds
Non GMO Flower Garden Seed
Cosmos Cosmic Mix Flower Seeds
Non GMO Flower Garden Seed
Mountain Valley Seed Company

Cosmos Seeds - Cosmic Mix

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56-63 days. Cosmic Mix seeds grow an elegant and award-winning cosmos that promises to invigorate any stale flower bed, patio, or room. Cosmic Mix cosmos seeds are hardy outdoor favorites for growing unique sunburst yellow along a walkway or flowerbed, but just as popularly kept indoors. Cosmic Mix seeds promise a smaller 12 inch cosmos bursting with 2-3 inch daisy-like blooms often used as a fresh cut accent in many seasonal bouquets and arrangements. Cosmic Mix cosmos debuted as an All-American Selections Flower Winner for being "pest and disease free" and "a no fuss annual that will thrive on minimal care."

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