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Growing Mr Stripey Tomatoes in the Vegetable Garden
To cultivate Mr. Stripey Tomato plants, start indoors approximately 6 weeks before the last expected frost in your region. Sow the seeds in a warm and moist starting mix at a depth of 0.25 inches. Provide adequate light with grow lights, ensuring 14-16 hours of exposure during the day. Germination typically takes 7-10 days. Once seedlings have 2-3 sets of true leaves, transplant them to 3-inch containers. Harden off new starts by exposing to mild outdoor conditions for increasing amounts of time over the course of a week before transplanting outdoors. Plant in rich, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0-6.8, spacing them 18-36 inches apart with 36 inches between rows. As indeterminate plants, Mr. Stripey Tomatoes benefit from sturdy support like trellises or cages, especially since their vines can reach 8 feet in length with the right support and growing conditions.
Maintaining healthy Mr. Stripey Tomato plants involves several key practices. Regularly prune the lower leaves to promote air circulation and reduce the risk of fungal diseases. Mulching around the base of the plants helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and maintain even soil temperature. As indeterminate tomatoes, providing sturdy support, such as trellises or cages, is crucial to manage their sprawling growth. Companion planting with basil, parsley, and marigolds can help deter common pests while enhancing the flavor of the tomatoes. To boost nutrient levels, consider applying a balanced organic fertilizer during the growing season. Consistently watering 1-2 inches per week is essential, particularly during dry spells. Keep an eye out for signs of common tomato pests and diseases, such as tomato hornworms or septoria leaf spot, and address them promptly using organic pest control methods. Following these tips will contribute to a successful and bountiful harvest of Mr. Stripey Tomatoes.
Harvesting Mr Stripey Tomatoes
Harvesting Mr. Stripey Tomatoes is a delightful process that begins approximately 80 days from the transplant date. Being an indeterminate variety, Mr. Stripey continues to produce tomatoes abundantly throughout the growing season until the first frost in the region. Determining the right time to harvest involves monitoring the color change of the fruit; harvest when the tomatoes display bright yellow hues with red stripes and feel firm but not too soft. Typically, the mid-to-late summer season is when Mr. Stripey tomatoes reach their peak flavor and texture. Gently pull the ripe fruit from the calyx hat with one hand while holding the stem with the other. Alternatively, gardening shears can be used to avoid damaging the delicate tomatoes. Harvesting can be done periodically as the tomatoes ripen, allowing for a continuous supply of fresh and flavorful produce. The indeterminate nature of Mr. Stripey means that the plant keeps producing tomatoes, offering an extended harvesting period compared to determinate varieties.
About Mr Stripey Tomato Garden Seeds
The Mr. Stripey Tomato has an intriguing history rooted in Georgia around the 1990s, developed by Wayne Hilton. As a close cousin to the English "Tigerella" tomato, Mr. Stripey is recognized for its distinct bicolored fruit with vibrant yellow skin adorned with red stripes. This heirloom variety holds a special place in the world of tomatoes, capturing attention not only for its unique appearance but also for its deliciously sweet, delicate skin and juicy texture.
Bred as an indeterminate slicing tomato, Mr. Stripey wasn't specifically designed for a particular growing climate but exhibits versatility, thriving in a range of regions. It is adaptable to various climates, making it suitable for diverse gardening environments.
While Mr. Stripey is an indeterminate vine-type plant that may grow tall, it can be successfully cultivated in large containers with proper support. However, growing it in hanging baskets may pose challenges due to its vining nature and potential height. Container gardening is a viable option with the use of sturdy cages or trellises to support the plant's growth, making it a delightful addition to patio or balcony gardens.
Tips From Our Gardeners
"To enhance the sweetness and flavor of your Mr. Stripey tomatoes, consider incorporating a unique watering technique. During the growing season, especially when the fruits are forming, implement a deep watering schedule. Rather than frequent shallow watering, which encourages surface root development, deeply water the plants at the base. This encourages the roots to reach deeper into the soil, promoting nutrient absorption and enhancing the overall flavor profile of the tomatoes. Consistent, deep watering helps mitigate issues like blossom end rot and fosters a more robust and flavorful harvest of Mr. Stripey tomatoes."
- Chelsea Hafer, True Leaf Market Writer |
Other Resources
Mr Stripey Tomato Seeds Per Package:
- 250 mg packet - Approximately 60 Seeds
- 0.25 oz - Approximately 1,700 Seeds
- 1 oz - Wholesale - Approximately 6,800 Seeds
- 4 oz - Wholesale - Approximately 27,200 Seeds
- 1 lb - Wholesale - Approximately 108,800 Seeds
Non-GMO Mr Stripey Tomato seeds are available for Fast Free Shipping on qualifying orders.
Basic Info
Latin Name: |
Solanum lycopersicum (Previously Lycopersicon esculentum, however this name is no longer accepted as correct)
Tomato Type: |
Slicing - Larger, round tomatoes, the size of your fist or larger. |
Mr. Stripey Tomato Color: |
Orange, Yellow, Bicolor |
Mr. Stripey Tomato Flavor: |
High sugar content, sweet, juicy, and have a delicate skin |
Growing Info
Hardiness Zone: |
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Annual: Not intended to overwinter |
Days to Maturity: |
80 (from transplant) |
Days to Germination: |
7-10 |
Seeding Depth: |
0.25 inch |
Plant Spacing: |
18-36 inches |
Row Spacing: |
36 inches |
Plant Height: |
36-96 inches |
Growth Habit: |
Indeterminate - Indeterminate tomatoes are vine-type plants that sprawl (requiring a cage or trellis to support them) and continue to grow throughout the season. Indeterminate tomato plants will continue to produce tomatoes for the rest of the season, so you can harvest continually. |
Soil Preference: |
Well-draining, loose (sandy loam), slightly acidic (6.2 to 6.8), and moisture retaining. Too much nitrogen in the soil may lead to more foliage production and less fruiting. Tomatoes like more phosphorus and potassium than other vegetables. |
Temperature Preference: |
Warmer (70-85 F) |
Light Preference: |
Full Sun |
Direct Sow: |
No |
Start Indoors: |
Yes. Start Indoors 7-9 weeks before your last spring frost date. |
Plant Width: |
24 inches |
Plant Spread: |
24 inches |
Growth Speed: |
Mid - Ready to harvest 70 to 80 days from transplant. Tricky to get a tomato by the 4th of July with these varieties. They are good mid-summer producers for most USDA Zones. |
Germination Temperature: |
65-85 F |
Pests and Diseases: |
Common pests known to harm tomato plants, in general, include the tomato hornworm, cutworm, aphids, flea beetles, tomato fruit worms, and whiteflies. Also, watch for common diseases such as blossom end rot, fusarium wilt, powdery mildew, verticillium wilt, late blight, bacterial canker/spot, and tobacco mosaic virus. Most of these can be prevented by maintaining a regular watering schedule and avoiding overwatering. Regularly check your plants for pest damage throughout the season. For treating pest and disease problems, we recommend using an organic neem-based product. |
Garden Size: |
Greenhouse, Garden Plot, Raised Bed |
Tomato Use: |
Salads, fresh eating, slicing |