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Lettuce Leaf - Red Sails - Microgreens Seeds
Lettuce Leaf - Red Sails - Microgreens Seeds Close up
Lettuce Leaf Non GMO Garden Seeds
Lettuce Leaf - Red Sails - Microgreens Seeds
Lettuce Leaf - Red Sails - Microgreens Seeds Close up
Lettuce Leaf Non GMO Garden Seeds
Mountain Valley Seed Company

Lettuce Leaf - Red Sails - Microgreens Seeds

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14 to 16 days"possibly 21 days if growing to baby green stage. Red Sails Microgreens seeds grow well in cooler temperatures and germinate uniformally like other lettuce microgreens. With a slight tinge of red in it's leaves, this is a favorite microgreen for those whoo love a coloful aesthetic in ther dishes.

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