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Bean Bush Jade Seed
Jade Bush Bean Seed - Non GMO
Jade Bush Bean Garden Seeds
Bean Bush Jade Seed
Jade Bush Bean Seed - Non GMO
Jade Bush Bean Garden Seeds
Mountain Valley Seed Company

Bean Seeds - Bush - Jade

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50-70 days. Annual. This variety has round and straight bean pods that grow long. They are an excellent jade green color and are packed with flavor. They are also fantastic for storing because they keep for long periods after they are harvested. Plants grow in a bush growth habit giving the pods plenty of room off of the ground. They resist BV, BRV, and CTV. Green beans, also known as string or snap peas, are a staple for gardens around the world because they germinate and mature so quickly! They do not require support from a pole or trellis. Plants produce annual harvests and can be rooted from the ground when they are picked. Approximately 135 seeds per ounce.

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