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True Leaf Market Knowledge Center

6 Reasons Why The Pros Still Plant Seeds in Summer

6 Reasons Why The Pros Still Plant Seeds in Summer

Experienced gardeners never miss out and always know that seeds can be sown year-round in every month of every season. Just spend a day at your local Farmers’ Market and see for yourself the abundance of garden fresh produce available...

5 Sap-Suckers in Your Garden and How to Get Rid of Them

5 Sap-Suckers in Your Garden and How to Get Rid of Them

When compared to larger pests such as grasshoppers, snails, or beetles able to feed on plants directly, sap-suckers can be some of the more manageable insects in the garden if spotted early. They are soft-bodied and an early infestation can...

To Bolt or Not to Bolt . . . How to Prevent it!

To Bolt or Not to Bolt . . . How to Prevent it!

Bolting is the event when a plant sets to flowering and starts going to seed early due to heat/sun exposure. It is the plant's last-ditch effort to preserve itself before it dies, most commonly occurring with annuals. Instead of attempting...

Revitalize and Beautify Your Ground with Summer Cover Crops!

Revitalize and Beautify Your Ground with Summer Cover Crops!

Have you decided to opt out of gardening this year and don't want your garden plot to go fallow? Or do you have a piece of your plot that you want to revive? Or are you looking to control weeds...

Purple Coneflower: A Lasting Classic American Wildflower

Purple Coneflower: A Lasting Classic American Wildflower

Don’t give mom flowers this year that will only last a few days when you could give her flowers to last up to 40 years or more! While some of the most commercial wildflowers such as larkspur, cosmos, zinnia, or...

What is

What is "The Mother's Day Rule"?

Mother’s Day has ties to the gardening world, and it’s not just the lovely flowers! A year after her mother’s death in 1906, loving daughter, Anna M. Jarvis, requested that friends and neighbors commemorate her mother’s passing at her local...

Grow Perennial Herbs Successfully this Year!

Grow Perennial Herbs Successfully this Year!

Spring is here and it’s never too late to get started on your bountiful perennial herb garden! Whether grown indoors or out in the garden bed, fragrant and savory perennial herbs are a timeless and effortless way to reinvigorate any...

apple blossoms frosted over

The Last Frost Dates of Spring

Similar to the USDA hardiness zones map which helps growers anticipate the minimum annual temperature in their region, the annual frost dates easily help catalog the first and last 32°F days of the year. These first and last frost days...

Versatile Hydroponic Growth Mediums

Versatile Hydroponic Growth Mediums

Choosing between soil and a hydroponic pad as a growth medium is dependent on your preference. Often, we hear folks vouching for the cleanliness of hydroponic mediums while others vouch for the forgiving nature of soils. We find that those...

Soil Preparation: Cover Crops, Worm Castings, and More!

Soil Preparation: Cover Crops, Worm Castings, and More!

Celebrate the late winter warmth by getting a head start on preparing your soil as we inch our way towards the first day of spring this Saturday. Daylight savings is now behind us and our days are becoming longer and...

5 Tips for Growing Your Vegetable Starts Indoors

5 Tips for Growing Your Vegetable Starts Indoors

If you are planning to or have started your vegetable seedling indoors, here's reminder of some best practices to keep your seedlings healthy so that you can have the best spring and summer garden possible! Thin seedlings as they emerge...

seeds spilling out of a packet onto soil

Why We've Switched to Generic Packaging

We've received many questions about our new packaging and what it means for our seeds. Rest assured, our seeds are the same high quality seeds that we've been providing for decades. In short, our new packages help up to stock...

The Benefits of Growing Mushrooms at Home!

The Benefits of Growing Mushrooms at Home!

Medicinal mushrooms have been incorporated in ancient healing modalities for centuries. Only recently have researchers been able to isolate and identify the specific compounds that give the various mushrooms their incredible health-supporting properties. All mushrooms contain polysaccharides, or long chains...

Frost Got You Down? Start Sprouting and Microgreening!

Frost Got You Down? Start Sprouting and Microgreening!

Now that November is here, our fall gardens are reaching their conclusion, and I begin leaning into a different method of gardening to keep excercising my green thumb. I begin microgreening and sprouting like mad! There something about the colder...

How to Plant Your Own Herb Garden from Seed!

How to Plant Your Own Herb Garden from Seed!

Whether you are familiar with or new to growing herbs, a herb garden in its peak, is a truly stunning site. The colors and aroma pair together in a harmonious duet. A presence unmatched, herb gardens call us back to...

Seed Shortages, Delivery Times, and What We are Doing.

Seed Shortages, Delivery Times, and What We are Doing.

Due to COVID 19 and other related factors, the demand for home delivery services are at a record high this year. In general, we recommend that you take care of all your holiday shopping early. At True Leaf Market, we...

Fall Photo Contest Winners

Fall Photo Contest Winners

First, we want to thank all of you who entered the contest. We were overwhelmed by the number of submissions and by how much creativity each of you put into your photos. We were thrilled to see all of the...

11 Delicious Ways to Eat Your Homegrown Sprouts

11 Delicious Ways to Eat Your Homegrown Sprouts

There’s no feeling like growing your own food and then getting to sit down and eat it. That feeling is carnal and ancient; our ability to do this is part of what makes us human. This is why we get...

5 Lessons from Our Summer Garden

5 Lessons from Our Summer Garden

Another summer and another harvest has come and gone. And whether you're a beginner trying out your first garden or a seasoned farmer with a thumb as green as the earth, there are always lessons to be learned as to...

Backslop Romance | Fermentation, Inoculation, and Henrietta the Sourdough Starter

Backslop Romance | Fermentation, Inoculation, and Henrietta the Sourdough Starter

These mason jar fermenting tips + tricks are brought to you by Marina Jade Phillips, Fermenter Extraordinaire and champion of our PickleHelix and Fermenting Lids. The first two months of 2018 marked both my first trip to Mexico and my...

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