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True Leaf Market Knowledge Center

Houseplant in a gray pot with a black background

12 Houseplants For Dark Spaces

Not all house plants do well in bright light. This is because the natural environment these plants come from is often the under canopy of tropical rainforest where they enjoy the dark, humid climate. For this reason the following plants...

A terrarium with succulents sitting on a wood desk

Easy To Care For Houseplants

You may be new to the world of houseplants, or you may struggle with keeping them alive. That is okay either way. To be honest, I am not a huge fan of houseplants that require a lot of attention. Luckily...

The Art of Sprouting

The Art of Sprouting

One cup intuition, two scoops creativity, and a bucket full of fun, there is so much more that goes into hydroponic sprouting than just seeds and water. Ask anyone with a green thumb and they’ll tell you gardening is as...

A little boy sitting on a bench wiping his nose with a tissue

Winter Allergies

If you find yourself sneezing, congested, and have irritated eyes, you're not the only one. Winter allergies are more common than many people realize. In the spring the main trigger is pollen being released into the air by just about...

Bird sitting on a plastic bottle bird feeder perch

How To Make A Plastic Bottle Bird Feeder

There are many ways to make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle. You have probably done this activity many times as a kid either for a school project or at a summer camp. The basic concept is that you...

A peach orchard in bloom

Fruit Tree Selection and Pollination

If you are interested in planting fruit trees this coming season now is the time to select what you want. With recent shipping issues and plant material shortages along with everything else over the last year you will want to...

A group of volunteers plants a tree together

How To Create A Food Forest

A food forest is made up of seven layers. The tallest layer is the overstory trees, followed by the understory. These layers make up all of the trees in your forest. Next you have the shrub layer, then an herbaceous...

Woman walking down a dirt road carrying a basket

Food Forests

You may have some experience with allowing plants to self-seed, but have you graduated to the level of starting your own food forest? If you love planting heirlooms and using organic gardening practices I have a feeling you are going...

Amaryllis bloom on blue background


Amaryllis is a trumpet shaped flower that is often seen in red and white varieties around this time of year. Beyond those colors it is also available in pink, orange, and salmon. The varieties sold during the holiday season are...

Close up of a Christmas cactus in bloom

Christmas Cactus

You've probably at least heard of the Christmas cactus, but did you know there are actually three popular Holiday Cacti? They are named after the holidays they bloom during. We have the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter cactus. However, the Thanksgiving...

Wall of green ivy


In Christmas traditions Ivy is the femanine counterpart to the masuline holly. According to the English, whichever one was brought into the home first would be telling of the woman or man of the house ruling the following year. Decorating...

Mistletoe leaves and white berries


Mistletoe is a parasitic/hemiparasitic plant of mostly timber and crop trees causing a decrease in reproductive growth. Some of its favorite hosts are apple, hawthorn, poplar, and conifer trees. A parasitic plant is one which gets its nutrients from its...

Holly leaves and berries on a white background


With the Christmas weekend quickly approaching we wanted to focus this week's posts on plants for the Holidays. Many plants have come to have a strong association with the Christmas season for their colors, legends, and seasonality. As you hear...

People walking through a large conference hall

Horticulture and Ag Events

You’re probably familiar with popular agriculture events like FFA Conventions, the World Ag Expo, or the California Spring Trials. But did you know that there are hundreds of events happening all over the world? We have compiled a list of...

Kids decorating a rosemary christmas tree

Rosemary - The Lesser Known Holiday Plant

Many people are familiar with the plants of Christmas like the classic Christmas tree, mistletoe, poinsettias, etc. But the lesser known holiday plant, rosemary, is probably one of the most versatile. Its relation to Christmas stems back to the legend...

Tomato cut open with pregerminated seeds sprouting inside.

Vivipary - When A Seed Pre-germinates

Why Is My Seed Germinating Inside The Fruit? A few weeks ago I was cutting a spaghetti squash in half when I came across a stray seed germinating from WITHIN the squash. I thought, “What in the world?” This was...

How To Make Your Poinsettia Rebloom Next Year

How To Make Your Poinsettia Rebloom Next Year

Why Are Poinsettias Associated With Christmas? You may have noticed more red and leafy plants being displayed in the homes of your friends, family, and around town. These poinsettias have come to be known as the Christmas flower and their...

man and woman carrying freshly cut christmas tree

Real Christmas Tree Care

After Purchasing A Real Christmas Tree: Wrap your tree with a tarp to prevent damage while being transported. This will also protect your vehicle from getting sap on it. Immediately after getting home give the trunk a fresh cut about...

stocking with a present and Christmas decor coming out of it

Stocking Stuffers For Your Gardener

With Christmas quickly approaching you may find yourself searching for those last minute stocking stuffers for the special gardener in your life. Well, we are here to help! Below you will find some of our recommendations for both fun and...

Person painting with a leaf

Painting With Nature

Nature has been depicted in artistic creations since people began drawing. It is natural to replicate the life around us through many artistic mediums. To create a unique twist on this idea try creating your own paintbrushes. Nature creates so...

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