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How To Identify, Control, Treat, or Troubleshoot Tomato Plant Problems

About the Author

Erica Groneman
Hi, I’m Erica Groneman. I am a mom, volunteer, and a gardener. There’s something satisfying about getting my hands dirty and watching things grow.

I believe gardening is universal and crosses all boundaries, bringing us all together. I hope we can share in the joy of growing together. Thanks for stopping by!

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  • Donna Mattingly Jun 26, 2024

    bloosems few if any tomatoes

  • PAUL VAN WAMBEKE Jun 26, 2024

    A little long-winded explanation, tomatoes the most Gardened revered fruit or veg. around the world. Do any of you remember what a Tomato use to taste Like? I live in Platania, Crete a portion of the year and have watched the destruction of the Tomato (That New white core that has to be cut out) they have introduced the Roma with little results they lack taste. I usual plant in May with Plant purchased from a Nursery west of use ( I start with a Six pack) with fresh soil mixed with compost from the field cow mainour. I make my trellis’s from river bamboo laced with twin. I dust with copper sulfate green powder/My growth is Off the wall/ tomato’s being harvested by the first of Aug / alone with the Basil and Zucchini “Black” a seed product from the US. along with Mustard green something not seen in Crete one of my favorites.! I also plant in the Family field around the Platania River spinach. What I’m seeing around the world where tourism has been proliferated is the destruction of the Family Garden fields in my area alone, I’m one of the Last. my neighbor across the street still makes his Mizithra cheese each morning from Cows milk, but he no longer has a garden. he still tends to his grapes and olives. our Family still a Garden only tended by the father the usual goats/chicken and rabbits they serve in their restaurant. I still have access to the family harvested Olive oil and wine and Home cured Calamata olives. NEWS to all the unread ( The Sahara dust that distributes pyogenic debris) around the world is some of our problems with the ever-expanding Saharra. And the other invisible anomalies Chornobyl Radiation. fallout. seasonal wind distribution exacerbated by the failed sarcophagus and fire .

  • Deb Jun 26, 2024

    My tomato plants are still less than 2 feet high with no fruit yet :( Zone 9, lots of sun, enough water, great drainage, hot weather…. three different varieties. I am so perplexed!

  • Elyse marino Jun 26, 2024

    Hi! I didn’t know I shouldn’t eat tomatoes that had black spot on leaves…I have always done that…

  • Monique Gonzalez Jun 26, 2024

    Question: one of my plants developed tomato flowers on a leaf is this an indication of a problem?

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