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True Leaf Market Knowledge Center

A Wheatgrass Retreat - Part 3

A Wheatgrass Retreat - Part 3

The following article is the third of a five-part series relating the experiences a long time advocate of wheatgrass juice had during a stay at a well known institute specializing in a live food dietary regime supplemented with wheatgrass juice....

A Wheatgrass Retreat - Part 2

A Wheatgrass Retreat - Part 2

The following article is the second of a five-part series relating the experiences a long time advocate of wheatgrass juice had during a stay at a well known institute specializing in a live food dietary regime supplemented with wheatgrass juice....

A Wheatgrass Retreat - Part 1

A Wheatgrass Retreat - Part 1

A WHEATGRASS RETREAT- IS IT FOR YOU? The following article is the first of a five part series relating the experiences a long time advocate of wheatgrass juice had during a stay at a well known institute specializing in a...

Wheatgrass Juice & Detoxification

Wheatgrass Juice & Detoxification

Detoxification seems to be the word for the day. Never at a time in the history of man, have the foods we eat been so processed and devitalized. Never has there been the chemical pollution in the growing soils, in...

Does the Body have the Ability to Heal Itself?

Does the Body have the Ability to Heal Itself?

In 1822, there was a medical doctor by the name of Isaac Jennings. After 20 years of practicing medicine, he became convinced that drugging and bleeding people did more harm than good. He decided to administer placebos of bread pills,...

Detoxification - Going Beyond the Symptoms

Detoxification - Going Beyond the Symptoms

Today many people suffer from a wide variety of health problems and ailments that do not seem to have a probable cause. However, it seems that these types of issues relate to poor nutrition and other environmental toxins. Many issues...

The Nutritional Content of One Grape

The Nutritional Content of One Grape

A new application of high technology, a more informed and intelligent approach to nutrition has now placed scientific methods of measuring one's nutrition within everyone’s grasp. The high technology comes in the form of a complex device about the size...

Light: Illuminator of Body & Soul

Light: Illuminator of Body & Soul

The Healing Power of Grasses from The Essenes Often in these pages, we talk about visible light and how it drives various energy transfer mechanisms of our planet, thus sustaining organic life. Wheatgrass is, of course, one of the most...

The Living & Raw Food Diet

The Living & Raw Food Diet

Many people have asked, "What specifically is the living food diet which was taught by Ann Wigmore?" Briefly I will explain the diet without going into too much information about the Ann Wigmore Foundation, which is now located in San...

Comparison: The Wigmore Diet vs. The Budwig Diet

Comparison: The Wigmore Diet vs. The Budwig Diet

Many people, when they hear about the living foods program of recapturing health and regenerating the body, instinctively know that it is true. When I first heard about Ann Wigmore and wheatgrass juice, I became enthusiastic about it, bought an...

The Miracle of Trace Minerals

The Miracle of Trace Minerals

Add Trace Elements to your Soil with Azomite Trace Mineral Fertilizer! The challenge with the soil in which most of our food is grown is that it has been leached of most of its trace mineral content over the years....

Superior Soil: Superior Food & Superior Life

Superior Soil: Superior Food & Superior Life

A friend of mine once said: "Where the light meets darkness is the razor’s edge of our human existence. We exist where light comes to meet the great mineral world to mix and draw it towards the light through the...

Growing Wheatgrass in the Winter

Growing Wheatgrass in the Winter

We recently had a question about growing wheatgrass in the winter. Very good question! Yes, you can grow wheatgrass during the winter, in fact, that is one of the major benefits! You can grow fresh organic wheatgrass all year round...

Of the Light

Of the Light

"Yea, over mere dust hast Thou wafted Thy [holy] spirit, [and hast so molded that] clay that [it can have converse with] angels and be in communion with beings celestial." -Book of Hymns (Fragments) 2:10 The Dead Sea Scrolls In...

Wheatgrass Exposed

Wheatgrass Exposed

Has anyone ever noticed that people of our world eat so many quantities of wheat in highly processed and lifeless, enzymeless forms like breads, bagels, donuts, pizza, cookies, and desserts? Do they realize that the nutritional benefit and the healing...

From Cancer to Living Foods

From Cancer to Living Foods

February 13, 1999, was the day that forever changed how I live. As these stories often begin, I had a routine checkup scheduled with my doctor. I knew of nothing out of the ordinary with my health and had been...

The History of Wheat Grass

The History of Wheat Grass

Before we establish the wheatgrass habit, it might be helpful to know a short history of this ubiquitous substance called grass. Why on earth did people start drinking grass juice? You'd think that people would realize that grass is for...

Worm Bin Instructions

Worm Bin Instructions

Instructions for Using A Worm Bin | Raising Red Earthworms The following information is provided by Todd Spratt, Vermitech Specialist Buy Earthworms here. See Also: Instructions for Building a Worm BinOUR CURRENT CRISES Our world is facing a number of...

Flax Seed Nutritional Info

Flax Seed Nutritional Info

Flax Seed Nutrition InformationBelow find the nutritional facts and information on the benefits of flax and ground flaxseed. Note that the nutritional info below pertains to brown flax seeds, but the nutrition data for golden flax is almost the same....

Flax Oil: Another Complex Miracle of Nature

Flax Oil: Another Complex Miracle of Nature

Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids from Fresh, Ground Flaxseed In our efforts to bring you the best in living food nutrition, we would like to introduce our new product, the flaxseed kit. The kit consists of an electric grinder,...

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